Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Get Debt Free Fast With Smart Mortgage Refinancing

(Best Syndication) Now that you have purchased your dream home, you are now knee-deep in debt and facing heavy financial pressure. There is one useful solution used by many savvy real estate investors, a solution that involves more cash flow, lowered interest rate and lesser monthly payment. This financial tool, known as mortgage refinance, is not complicated at all, and only involves a bit of calculation and smart leveraging of money.

This may explain why home mortgage refinancing is a popular and lucrative deal. The rule of thumb in refinancing your mortgage is that the interest rate for the new loan should be at least 2 percentage points below the rate of your existing mortgage. In the present economic scenario where the market is saturated with credit institutions and multiple loan products, you are flooded with all types of offers such as the no cost refinance mortgage and the low cost mortgage refinance packages. As a result your new monthly repayment after the mortgage refinancing is considerably lower than the previous one. More...